Destiny 2 - New Years Event 2020. Gifts, recipes, awards and more
Yesterday, along with the next weekly reset in Destiny 2, the annual event “The Dawning \ Dawn” began, timed to the approach of the New Year, and it will last until August 5, 2021. In this article, we will analyze in detail the main mechanics of the event, the process of creating gifts, how to get reagents for them and rewards. Running a little ahead, if you have already participated in a similar event in 2019 or 2018, it has not changed much, with the exception of some moments.
Moving a little away from the essence of the article, I would like to note that on the 15th in the game, the first test for the new raid "Deep Stone Crypt" became available. To close the “Red Rover” achievement, in the first stage, each member of the group must take on the role of an operator once. Unfortunately, this test cannot be completed in less than 3 stages.
The dawning
Having entered the game, we immediately go to the Tower to talk with Eva Levante (the key NPC of the event), if for some reason you do not see the NPC, as well as the holiday decorations, go to another character, and then return to the base (other options did not help me personally ). She should give out the item “Eva's Festive Oven 2.0” and a kind of tutorial quest in which she has to bake and take cookies to Zavala.
In principle, this is the meaning of the event - to bake gifts for the NPC and close the corresponding achievements. The baking process is quite simple: open the oven interface, select the reagents in the first and second cells, put 15 essences of dawn in the last third and get a cookie corresponding to the combination of the first and second slots. For example, by combining an ethereal reed + a burst of flavor + 15 essences of dawn, you will get - Gjallardoodles (Gyallarplushki).
As soon as you successfully create a cookie at least once, its recipe opens in the lower left cell, which greatly simplifies the baking process as you just need to click on the cookie icon. By unlocking all the recipes, the stove can be improved to an absolute state, this will slightly reduce the cost of reagents. For a detailed list of recipes and reagents, see below.
In addition, immediately after a little training, Eva will give out two yellow quests: the first is a chain of tasks for the player, and the second is a kind of community event. Both quests will ask the guards for 1 cookie and collect an event resource called "Dawning Spirit". It can be obtained by bringing the NPC cookies, from all Eva contracts, for the event achievements. As you complete your personal questline, you will receive the following rewards:
- Starfarer 7M ship with unique engine effect.
- Shimmerfoil shader (Staniol).
- Additional effect “Rose” for the ship's engine.
- New Year's character spawn effect for the ship.
- Additional effect “Cocoa” for the ship's engine.
- Emblem / profile background (final reward).
Also, as a reward for cookies, NPCs will give out blue and purple boxes that contain various items. For example, special weapons of the current and last year's New Year events, starting in 2017.
Well, as always, the Eververse store has been replenished with various themed goods, although it is worth noting only bikes and the opportunity to buy all sets of New Year's "skins" for armor since 2017.
Please note that all reagents except the “Essence of Dawn” drop out randomly even if the conditions are met. In other words, even, say, after killing 100 opponents with the ultimate, only a few "Excellent textures" can fall. You can also get a random or specific reagent for Eva's contracts.
Essence of Dawning - Drops from all activities in the solar system and at the end of Eva's weekly bounties. Common and Heroic Public Events each give out 5 essences.
- Chitin Powder (Chitin powder) - from the Hive.
- Ether Cane - From the Fallen.
- Cabal Oil - from Cabals.
- Vex Milk (Vex Oil) - from Vex.
- Taken Butter - from the Taken.
- Dark Ether Cane - From the Scorned.
- Impossible Heat (Impossible heat) - kills by the solar element.
- Electric Taste - Electric kills.
- Null Taste - Elemental Kills.
- Flash of Inspiration - when creating spheres of light.
- Pinch of Light (Part of light) - when raising orbs of light.
- Delicious Explosion - Explosion kills. For example with a grenade launcher.
- Sharp Flavor - sword kills.
- Personal Touch - Melee kills.
- Perfect Taste - critical kills.
- Bullet Spray - Kills with an SMG or machine gun.
- Multifaceted Flavors - Multikill.
- Finishing Touch - Killing opponents with a finishing blow.
- Balance Flavors - critical kills with a bow or scout rifle.